We really do care... About society, about the environment, about the economy.
We care about how we impact the environment. We care about people; we care about women, we care about young people. We care, because we want to leave the right kind of legacy for future generations. All our activities in manufacturing and management have sustainability in mind, constantly setting ourselves new goals. We want to become more and more in harmony with nature and good practices when using resources.

Our Journey
Using the UN Sustainable Development Goals list of 17 main subjects as a yardstick, we have set up an internal team that prods, probes and pushes the whole company to do better. We’ve based our studies on GRI Standards, and our internal sustainability team is working on developing all environmental, social and economic aspects of our company in accordance with these standards.

Quality & Test
We are an ISO14001 (Environment Management) and ISO9001 (Quality Control) certified, RIBA & BIID CPD Accredited manufacturer. We are consistently making more improvements to become more streamline and making the factories more productive with regards to human and energy resources, optimising the organisational flow of activities and also the insulation of the buildings.